What Are You Attending To?

30 May 2020

As I look around, it seems as if summer has been pretty well canceled due to COVID-19.

My July pottery show has not. I don’t know yet what the logistics will look like: if we’ll be allowed to gather at the gallery for a celebratory evening, or if visits will need to be staggered, or if the entire event will be hosted virtually, on my website. 

What I do know is that I have a house full of pots, most of them exploring different facets of ‘attention.’ Attention was the idea that drew me in January, well before the COVID-19 chaos, and the weeks of shelter-in-place have proven it a felicitous choice. With a pottery wheel in my kitchen and only so much space on the living room floor, I lavished more time on the pieces I make. Handles curved more gracefully. Designs grew more complex. 

Quarantine limited the places I could go and the things I could do, and I was forced to attend more closely to the patterns, conversations, and spaces around me. And to the clay, of course. I’m excited to share my work with you. 

Given the possibility that this show may be virtual, I’ll be posting more updates and videos on the website in the coming weeks. Consider it the beginning of a conversation. And in that spirit, let me know: what are you attending to in these circumscribed days? 

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