Dialects of Welcome


19 October 2019

It finally happened. 

After almost a year of planning and conversation, after months of intensive production in the studio, after two high-pressured weeks of firing, re-firing, and calling on the help of a host of friends and family members to clean the studio, organize the gallery, prepare food and edit my artist statement—after all these things, Dialects of Welcome opened successfully on October 11. 

I spent the evening moving from one group to another in constant conversation. But my friends who had a wider view of the action tell me that people lingered over the food, enjoyed each other’s company, and generally enacted the conviviality I designed this show to celebrate. It was a cross-section of all my worlds: family, college friends, colleagues, church friends, family friends, landlord and neighbors.

Together we celebrated the liturgy for feasting with friends, bearing witness with our fellowship to “the kingdom of heaven that is to come, the kingdom that is promised, the kingdom that is already, indeed, among us.” And the food of that feast did not run out. Thanks to the tireless work of my mom and sister we had enough green curry, rice pilaf, and Three Sisters soup for all. 

Many of my smaller pieces sold, but the large elements of the show will remain in the gallery on display for the month of October. So don’t worry if you couldn’t make it on Friday. Swing by the gallery sometime before the 26th, or keep an eye on my website, where I’ll be posting images and reflections on the four major parts of the show. 

And heads up to you Chicago folk— Dialects of Welcome is coming to Wheaton on Saturday, November 2. We’re having an open house at 810 Michigan in Wheaton, from 5-9, and you’re warmly invited.
