Introducing Janus!


4 January 2021

I’ve never been great at celebrating New Year’s. It comes so soon after Christmas, with fewer traditions in tow: game nights and resolutions, maybe, and one more late night to add to the list. 

But this year I’m doing a pottery show. Janus: God of Thresholds, God of Faces opens at Indy Clay Co-op’s Gallery on January 15th at 5 pm. It will be an open-house-styled, socially distant gathering spanning two days. Light refreshments will be available.

Logistics aside, you might be asking: “Why name a show after an ancient Roman god?”

For starters, Janus is the namesake of January. More interestingly, he was the Roman deity who presided over thresholds and doorways, beginnings and ends. Traditionally depicted with two faces, Janus had a face gazing into the future and one turned toward the past. This show takes a cue from him in its focus on the in-between. 

There will be a lot of storytelling—it’s my friends, mostly, who have been living in liminal spaces, and I’m honored to celebrate their stories—and a fair amount of fresh and experimental pottery, too. Rumor has it that there will even be a wall of plates. 

I’ve been working toward this since August 2020. I set up the gallery this past weekend and now I’m thrilled to finally extend the invitation. There are a several ways for you to attend:

1. Janus Open House:

If you can, please join me in-person on the 15th (5-9 pm) or 16th (9 am-2 pm) at the Indy Clay Co-op Gallery, found inside Fountain Square Clay Center (950 Hosbrook St., Indpls., IN). For your protection and peace of mind, I’ll be wearing a mask, and the gallery requests you to do the same. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

2. Private Tours

If you’re wary of groups and/or part of an at-risk population, but still want to see the pottery in-person, this is your option! Reach out to me to schedule a tour time between January 21-24. I’d love to walk you through the gallery and catch up on life. Conversation through a mask has its drawbacks, but I think the face-to-face presence and tactile interaction with the pottery will be worth it.

3. Online Exhibition

Beginning on January 30th at 5 pm (EST), you’ll be able to experience the show online here!

Whatever combination of experiences you choose to attend to, I hope the work leaves you heartened and filled. Cheers!

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