The Thai Table
29 October 2019
In my days as a novice potter, I failed account for shrinkage during firing and so consistently made small pieces. But that’s not what happened here.
The pieces of this Thai-inspired set are intentionally small, because Thai meals are not about efficient calorie consumption. Instead they’re about the presentation of beautiful food, the enjoyment of an abundance of complimentary dishes—and about honoring those around the table.
When I eat with my Thai family, I’m not allowed to serve myself. Older relatives look out for me, making sure I have enough meat in my bowl and that I eat it to their satisfaction. And I in turn serve them, filling their plates with the choicest pieces of fish or shrimp from the common pot. The smallness of the dinnerware makes this mutual honoring a meal-long process.
Interested in the Thai set? Contact me about pricing/commission.