An expansive and sometimes whimsical celebration of hospitality, In This Sign displayed at the Harrison Gallery in Indianapolis all of August.
Twice I was able to welcome folks in to peruse storied fermentation crocks and espresso cups. Heraldically-emblazoned serving bowls lined one wall like medieval shields, reaching for a visual vocabulary of peace.
Midwest-inspired plates and Thai-styled bowls sprang from a center mirror, expressing the joy I experience being invited to tables and learning languages of welcome from various food cultures I call my own.
A mobile balanced mugs against a net of broken pieces (video to come, I promise!). By far the most terrifying element to install, it repaid my efforts with playful motion generally foreign to ceramics displays.
As that magical month came to a close, it’s hard to say what memory remains most vivid. The nights when the gallery hummed with conversation? The exhausted aftermath? Or the weeks of work leading up to that: all hands on deck, my household of friends doing macrame and cooking meals and cutting flowers and writing and editing to make sure everything came together in time? (We ate supper at ten pm the night before opening, Leah and my sister Katie laughing themselves silly over a trailer in which dinosaur roars were overlaid with Gordon Ramsey’s indignant “Raw!”)
I hope to find ways to share more of In This Sign virtually over the coming weeks — for now, Harrison filmed an artist talk, available below. A virtual tour with Leah’s beautiful written word is also in the works.